8 Rejuvenating hikes around Jibhi

8 Rejuvenating hikes around Jibhi

By Aquib Nawab

02 Jul, 2024

4 mins read

Jibhi is a picturesque hamlet in the breathtaking Himalayas that sleeps in the peaceful Banjar Valley of Himachal Pradesh and serves as an excellent starting point for some truly beautiful walks.

Set amidst green forests and towering hills, Jibhi presents trekkers the opportunity to explore the untouched beauty of this region and enjoy panoramic views of the mightiest mountain range on Earth. Regardless of whether you are looking for just a day or several days of trekking experience, Jibhi will have all your needs taken care of as far as adventure holiday activities are concerned.

Here are the 8 most scenic treks around Jibhi that must be on every nature lover’s checklist:

1. Serolsar Lake trek

The Serolsar Lake trek starts from Jalori Pass, situated at an altitude of 3,120 m above sea level. While moving down from the pass towards the dense jungles of Jibhi, rocky land changes itself into grasslands with wildflowers.

The hike takes about 90 minutes through forest trails to reach Serolsar Lake. This high-altitude lake, fringed by clear waters fed by melting glaciers, looks like it changes colour according to the sky above it when visited during sunny days, such that it dazzles in emerald green and turquoise surrounded by meadows sprinkled with wild flowers, but under overcast skies, its appearance morphs into moody blues and greys, fading into mists on rolling hills.

Spend some time at the lake shore, taking in its serenity and beauty, before walking back down to Jalori Pass. It is an easy-day trek that covers approximately 7 km both ways, making it perfect for novices as well as families.

Serolsar Lake | Credits: Canva

2. Chehni Kothi trek

To encounter the mystical Chehni Kothi temple, embark on a delightful jungle trek that spans 7 kilometres across Jibhi’s lush forests. Begin at Ringsari, one small village, and a narrow track will snake you through dense cedars to the sight of endless meadows and apple orchards.

Also, there are some broken wooden bridges over which small streams gurgle quietly. The distance between Chehni Kothi temple and the trekker is about one hour. The ancient stone temple on top of a hill can be seen.

The temple, which is almost half a millennium old, showcases an architectural style that belongs to the pagoda-like building type typical for Himachal Pradesh; this is best shown by its façade made from intricately carved wood. Spend some time around the temple grounds and enjoy far-reaching views down into the valley before retracing your steps back to Ringsari village.


Chehni Kothi | Credits: Canva

3. Balu Naag temple trek

For beginners who don't want anything too strenuous or families with kids, start at Jibhi and hike 8.4 km to reach Balu Nag temple. Starting from tiny Bahu Village, you’ll pass by rolling meadows and evergreen pines all the way up to it. In just 20–25 minutes, you will be in front of a temple that’s devoted to the Nag deity venerated in this area.

Just spend some time around the place, absorbing yourself in the simple rural lifestyle that is still maintained by the indigenous people who live here. And remember not to forget to taste siddu bread with wild honeysuckle, an exquisite local dish prepared near temples around here, as well as explore the stunning valley view from inside before reversing direction back towards Ringsari village because of its short duration and minimal climb, making it ideal for trekkers on tight schedules or novices at this sport.

Balu Naag temple | Credits: Canva

4. Raghupur Fort trek

Perched at 3,300 m high, the ruins of Raghupur Fort offer a great chance for a brief day trek from Jibhi. Its crumbling walls and tumbled ramparts hint that it was once a formidable military fortress.

The trail to the fort is approximately 6 kilometres long and starts from Jalori Pass; initially, it goes through rhododendron and oak forests before finally opening into grassy bugyals. The route offers stunning views over Tirthan Valley and Dhauladhar, as well as the Pir Panjal Himalayas in the distance.

Though it could be regarded as a moderately tough walk due to the steep slope and high elevation, the opportunity to get involved in local historical life and the all-round view of the Himalayas surely make it worthwhile

Raghupur Fort | Credits: Canva

5. Choie Waterfall trek

Hidden within the Tirthan Valley wilderness is an outstanding waterfall known as Choie Waterfall, which is on top of many waterfall lover's trips for shorter-duration treks or photographers capturing nature at its best.

Commence your hike from Nagini village by moving across oak or spruce forests using wood or rope bridges above the fast-flowing waters of the Tirthan River. Upon walking about 4 kilometres, you will hear crashing water before coming face to face with this mighty cascade being surrounded by mists. We recommend that after spending some time at the base of these roaring falls, you loop around through Shoja Forest Rest House, making it a total of 6 km.

Choie Waterfall | Credits: Canva

6. Kel Tandi trek

Enjoy an extensive view over Banjar Valley when hiking the Kel Tandi trails. Starting at Laida Village, which lies approximately one hour away from Jibhi, this walk covers 6 km through terraced fields blooming golden with mustard flowers.

You’ll pass by traditional wood along with stone houses belonging to various villages while traversing raised areas where there’s sea-like massed clouds atop far-off hills. Halfway, stop at Kel Village Homestays for a warm cup of chai and the best Pahadi hospitality. The last part of this route goes through dense cedar before opening out into Tandi village. The preserved remains of Tandi offer a breathtaking glimpse of the snow-capped Pir Panjal peaks.

Kel Tandi | Credits: Canva

7. Lambhri Top trek

Lambhri Top is among the most beautiful hikes found in Jibhi. You will walk through flower-covered meadows that stand against Himachal’s iconic mountain ranges on your way to Lambhri Top. This moderately difficult trek spans across Serolsar Lake, Bearing Nar, and ends at Sarthi village after reaching Lambhri Top.

This trail gives endless views of the mighty Dhauladhars, chances to see unique Himalayan birds like monal pheasant and tragopan, and options for stargazing while camping. Experienced trekkers looking for an immersive experience in the Himalayas should go with the Lambhri Top Trek.

Lambhri Top | Credits: Canva

8. Jalori Pass trek

To really complete your Jibhi trekking experience, you must conquer Jalori Pass, which is the highest point within its area. It is located at 3,120 m above sea level and marks a natural boundary between Kullu and Shimla districts.

There are dense forests as well as flowered meadows all along the 12 kilometre track from Jibhi to Jalori Pass, providing panoramic vistas on each turn around every corner possible in this region. The last stretch is dotted with ascending steep corners and rock slopes until you finally reach the pass.

Enjoy the view of mountain ranges stretching in all directions before retracing your footsteps back to Jibhi for a 2-day, rewarding trek that covers 24 km.

Jalori Pass | Credits: Canva


From short treks to multi-day hikes, there’s something for every outdoor-loving person in Jibhi. The place has numerous scenic paths where you can enjoy the beautiful Himachali villages as well as the raw mountainous landscapes of the Himalayas.

However, remember to walk only on trails that are designed and not through flora and fauna; ensure that you do not leave any trace of litter behind wherever you go. If you love mountains, they will surely welcome you with open arms into their inspiring embrace. Have a happy trek!

Scenic glimpse of Jibhi | Credits: Canva

An oasis for adventurers: The Hosteller

Having spent your day exploring in Jibhi, are you seeking a home away from home? Visit The Hosteller to relax an d recharge after a busy day out in nature.

This lovely hostel is made especially for backpackers, couples, and outdoor enthusiasts, right in the center of Jibhi. Unwind with stunning valley views in cozy common areas. Plus, stay connected with fast Wi-Fi internet access. Start your morning with a mouthwatering breakfast made by the on-site chef, then get advice from the friendly travel desk team about local spots rarely visited by tourists. Finally, rest easy in comfortable beds before starting your next adventure.

In tune with Jibhi's serene, laid-back vibe is this hospitable oasis called The Hosteller, catering exclusively to nature lovers and trekkers alike.

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